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响 xiang

Home Pinyin xiang

打响 dǎxiǎng start

反响 fǎnxiǎng repercussion; repercussions

回响 huíxiǎng echoing; resound; reverberant; reverberate

混响 hùnxiǎng reverberation

交响 jiāoxiǎng symphonic

敲响 qiāo xiǎng ringing

声响 shēngxiǎng sound

响板 xiǎngbǎn castanet; castanets

响度 xiǎngdù loudness

响亮 xiǎngliàng loud; resounding

响起 xiǎngqǐ ringing

响声 xiǎngshēng beep

响应 xiǎngyìng respond; responding; response; unresponsive

音响 yīnxiǎng reproducing; sound; stereos

影响 yǐngxiǎng effected; effecting; impacted; impacts; influenced; influences; influencing

影响力 yǐngxiǎng lì influence

最响 zuìxiǎng loudest

作响 zuòxiǎng creaked

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce